Final Capstone Topic Space — Art Therapy

After a lot of brainstorming and research, I feel more confident about choosing Art Therapy as a topic space for capstone. Included to the left is a mind-map I developed from brainstorming for specific subjects in Art Therapy. Highlighted in blue are some areas that specifically sparked my interest.
Next, I reached out to a professional that I know in the field, Dr. Rastogi. Dr. Rastogi was my professor in an Intro to Art Therapy class at The University of Cincinnati. From our discussion we talked about potential areas of Art Therapy that could benefit from receiving more exposure and what resources are available (
As a result of Covid-19, the area of digital art therapy may be a good realm to cover. This could be expressive art therapy or a combination of music and art therapy.
Cultural diversity among art therapy needs and techniques is also an important area to discuss. Topics could include access to Art Therapy for the lower class, promoting Art Therapy services to the African American community ( There is also a need for better education among art therapist on creating experiences that can connect with black communities. (
These are just potential directions I can go in, but I plan to continue researching and brainstorming other directions!